Friday, April 4, 2014 is a Freelancer’s Paradise

Anyone, and I mean absolutely anyone can freelance. You don’t have to be a megatechie who rules the cyberworld to be able to freelance from home. As long as you know how to use a computer and navigate through the internet, you can do it!
I have been freelancing for more than 6 years and its been nothing less than great. No rush hours, no bosses hovering, no strict time compliance and no office bureaucracy. I found this really neat site, it offers at least 300 freelancing jobs a day from writing to web construction. If you can’t find anything there that you can do then you seriously need to go back to school.
The site is user friendly and offers all the information you need to start freelancing. It also has an online community that lets you ask advise from other odesk freelancers or odesk officers. The best thing about is the payment is guaranteed for hourly jobs, there is absolutely no way you won’t get paid.

Living The Sagada Dream

I know its been a while since I updated this blog. If you are my friend you probably know I’ve been balancing baking and writing for while and it’s no easy feat. I hereby make a solemn promise to update the posts and write new posts more often ;)
It’s a wonder how it took me 4 years to write about our trip to Sagada :( 4 years may have passed but it has not dimmed the brilliant memory of being in that awesome place. SAGADA…where the soul meets the sky :D Love it! I am kind of feeling melancholy because of the recent tragedy in Bontoc, you know when we were there you do get the feeling that every turn is the last turn you are ever going to make in your life. Seriously, the roads were too sagada 2narrow, the curves were very tight and the ravines deeper than I can to measure. Truly scary. When we boarded the bus there was a bunch of new plastic sando bags hanging by a metal post right beside the driver, me in all my kitty curiosity asked the driver what they were for… he said please get one if you feel like throwing up during the trip, geez. The trip was akin to a roller coaster ride not because its fast or have sudden loops but because you get that feeling of your heart being in your throat the entire trip. I’m not complaining, I believe that the dangerous ride towards this beautiful town makes the trip even more exciting and worthwhile.
When we reached Sagada it felt like I was inches away from heaven, oops my bad it was really heavy fog. I’ve never seen fog like fog in Sagada, darn even the fog here was special. It was really thick and tangible, you can actually feel tiny beads of water floating in the air. Kind of weird I know but that’s the only way to describe it. And the smell…so different, the air smelled like wet flowers, no kidding, it was like the entire place has been sprayed by a giant can of air freshener :D I’m going crazy. (to be continued….)
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