Monday, January 10, 2011

Odesk Fulfilled a Writer's Dream

When I graduated from college I wanted to be a writer but shortly after I tried writing I realized that writing is a fulfillment not a job. Finding contracts was a gargantuan feat that most writers (I know I was)get disappointed and end up getting higher paying jobs, sadly those were jobs that did not require writing :(

I became a telephone operator, a telemarketer, a sales manager, a government employee and finally a call center dudette :) Yup, so many jobs in so little time cause I was probably not happy with any of them. I did the job because I needed the money and not because it was what I wanted to do, in my heart I still wanted to write.

Writing is my lifeblood. It gives me a sense of fulfillment no other job can. It allows me to transport people to places unknown to them, enables me to transfer feelings, create a new world where I am master, conjure images without using pictures... magical, that's what words are to me.

Now, after so many years of trying to stay afloat while keeping my dream in sight I have finally found my mecca in ODesk. ODesk has given me access to a market that is a writer's paradise. A place where a writer like me can unleash my unbridled writing desires to my heart's content, be appreciated and get paid handsomely too. In ODesk the demand for writers is totally unquenched that you will have a chance to pick your topics and writing style.

ODesk is a freelancer's wonderland. A place where you can create a career for yourself, pace your advancement, develop all your skills without fear of peer pressure and best of all maximize your earning power without killing your human body.

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